Friday, July 1, 2011

Sanskrit Quotes ..


विषादप्यमृतं ग्राह्यं अमेध्यादपि काञ्चनम्।

अमित्रादपि सद्वृत्तं स्त्रीरत्नं दुष्कुलादपि॥

English Translation of Sanskrit Quote:

Elixir of life is to be accepted even if comes from poison, a piece of gold is to be accepted even from impure. A good conduct is to be learnt even from an enemy and a good lady is to be accepted even from a bad community.

जिह्वे प्रमाणं जानीहि भाषणे भोजनेऽपि च।

अत्युक्तिरतिभुक्तिश्च सद्य: प्राणापहारिणी।

English Translation of Sanskrit Quote:

Know your limitations "O, tongue, regarding speech and eating . Garrulousness and gluttony can cause instantaneous death.

Balance of Mind

गुणदोषौ बुधो गृह्णन् इन्दुक्ष्वेडाविवेश्वर:।

शिरसा श्लाघते पूर्वं परं कण्ठे नियच्छति॥

English Translation of Sanskrit Quote:

" A wise-man accepts (both) the good and the bad. He appreciates the former by a nod of his head and resticts the latter in his throat, just as Lord shiva adorned his head with the crescent moon and restricted the poison in his throat."



नैवाकृति: फलति नैव कुलं न शीलं।

विद्यापि नैव न च यत्नकृतापि सेवा

भाग्यानि पूर्वतपसा खलु सञ्चितानि

काले फलन्ति पुरुषस्य यथैव वृक्षा:॥

English Translation of Sanskrit Quote:

" Nothing fructifies beforehand-neither the form, nor the family background, not even one's virtues, nor even the education, not also the painstaking service rendered to the community. It is the fortune of a person accrued by the performance of penance that yields fruits in due course, like the tree which yields fruits when it is time."


Good Poem

सुभाषितं हारि विशत्यधो गलान्न


तदेव धत्ते हृदयेन सज्जनो


English Translation of Sanskrit Quote:

" A good poetic composition is not taken in ( lit: does not enter the throat of) by a wicked man just as the nectar did not get down the throat of ( Rahu) the enemy of the Sun". A literary-connoisseur sports the same on his chest (keeps it close to his heart) just as Lord Vishnu keeps sports the purest of the gems Kausthubha on his chest"

स्वगृहे पूज्यते मूर्खः स्वग्रामे पूज्यते प्रभुः।

स्वदेशे पूज्यते राजा विद्वान्सर्वत्र पूज्यते॥

English translation of Sanskrit Quote:

A fool is worshipped at his home.
A chief is worshipped in his town.
A king is worshipped in his kigdom.
A knowledgable person is worshipped everywhere.


गोप्रदानं न तथान्नदानम्‌।

यथा वदंतीह महाप्रदानं सर्वेषु दानेषु जलप्रदानम्‌॥

English Translation of Sanskrit Quote:

Not the donation of land, Not the donation of gold,
Not the donation of cows, Not even the donation of food,
Donation of water is called greatest of all donations in this world.


घटं भिंद्यात्पटं छिंद्यात्कुर्याद्रारभरोहणम्‌।

येन केन प्रकारेण प्रसिद्धो पुरुषो भवेत्‌॥

English Translation of Sanskrit Quote:

[One] should break a pot, tear a cloth, ride a donkey.
By whatever means possible, a man should become famous.

यत्र नार्यस्तु पूज्यंते रमंते तत्र देवताः।

यत्र तास्तु न पूज्यंते तत्र सर्वाफलक्रियाः॥

English translation of Sanskrit quote:

Where women are worshipped, goddesses dwell.
Where they are not worshipped, all actions are fruitless.


अर्थेन हि विहीनस्य पुरुषस्याल्पमेधसः।

क्रियाः सर्वा विनश्यंति ग्रीष्मे कुसरितो यथा॥

English translation of Sanskrit Quote:

Of a person who has no money & a little intellect,
all his actions get destroyed like a small river in summer.

भ्रातृभ्राज्यं न च भारकारि।

व्यये कृते वर्धत एव नित्यं विद्याधनं सर्वधनप्रधानम्॥

English Translation of Sanskrit Quote:
It cannot be stolen by a thief.
It cannot taken away by a King.
It cannot be divided among brothers.
It does not cause load. It always increses when spent.
The wealth of knowledge is the greatest of all wealths.


साधोः प्रकोपितस्यापि मनो नायाति विक्रियाम्।

न हि तापयितुं शक्यं सागरांभस्तृणोल्कया॥

English Translation of Sanskrit Quote:

Even when instigated by others,
the mind of a pious person never hesitates (to take the right decision).
It is not possible to heat the water of ocean by a torch of dried grass.

गुणा: गुणज्ञेषु गुणीभवन्ति

ते निर्गुणं प्राप्य भवन्ति दोषा:

सुस्वादुतोया: प्रवहंति नद्य:

समुद्रमासाद्य भवन्त्यपेय:

English Translation of Sanskrit Quote:

With virtuous persons, virtues remain virtues. On reaching a non-virtuous person, they become faults. (Just like) a river flowing with sweet water, becomes salty on reaching ocean.
न हि ज्ञानेन सदृशं पवित्रमिह विद्यते

English Translation of Sanskrit quotation:
Here (in this world), there is nothing as pure(sublime) as knowldge.

.....कर्मण्येवाधिकारस्ते मा फलेषु कदाचन।

मा कर्मफलहेतुर्भूर्मा ते संगोऽस्त्वकर्मणि॥

English Translation of Sanskrit Quote:

Your right is to the duty only, not to the fruits thereof.
Do not act for the results of your deeds. Never be attached to not doing the duty
गते शोको न कर्तव्यो भविष्यं नैव चिंतयेत्।

वर्तमानेन कालेन वर्तयंति विचक्षणाः॥

English translation of Sanskrit Quote:

One should not regret the past. One should not worry about the future.
Wise men act by the present time.

Features of Wise Man

क्षिप्रं विजानाति चिरं शृणोति

विज्ञाय चार्थं भजते न कामात्।

नासंपृष्टो व्यपयुंक्ते परार्थे

तत् प्रज्ञानं प्रथमं पण्डितस्य॥

English Translation of Sanskrit Quote:

He comprehends quickly and hears patiently. He understands things at hand and acts accordingly and not according to his sweet will; he does not meddle with others' business unless asked to. This is the prime feature of a wise person.

Aims of life

सन्तोषः परमो लाभः सत्सङ्गः परमा गतिः ।

विचारः परमं ज्ञानं शमो हि परमं सुखम् ॥

English Translation of Sanskrit Quote:

Contentment is the highest gain,
Good Company the highest course,
Enquiry the highest wisdom,
and Peace the highest enjoyment.

लक्ष्मीर्वसति जिह्वाग्रे।

जिह्वाग्रे मित्रबान्धवा:।

जिह्वाग्रे बन्धनं प्राप्तं

जिह्वाग्रे मरणं ध्रुवम्।

English Translation of Sanskrit Quote:

Prosperity resides on the tip of the tongue, friends are found there on it. The tip of your tongue has the capacity to arrest you and verily death resides on it for sure.



अयोग्यः पुरुषो नास्ति योजकस्तत्र दुर्लभः॥

English Translation of Sanskrit Quote :

There is no letter which doesn't have charm (curative property).
There is no root which doesn't have medicinal property.
There is no man who is not able.
Rare is a person who knows its proper application.

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